
Showing posts from July, 2020


D id you ever wonder if you were born with emotions? I for a fact know, we all cried the first time we popped out of our mothers vagina. But is it strong enough to be called an emotion?  Before Isabel Myers came around with 16 type of personalities; it was first a Greek Physician Hippocrates , to talk about the earliest theory ever, to exist about personality. What did the guy say? According to him, Humans (yes, we) are different from one another because of the fluid running within us. Not his exact words, but Hippocrates called it " Humor ".  Later on came, multiple theories on personality and how it develops overtime. But no one ever talked if our Personality type change! That's where i come.  An individual can acquire knowledge from two sources : one from people around, and second, from his own experiences. Now, it is very true that you are half of what your parents are. Although we are born with certain traits, we do change! Do you think you are st...


Aren't we all judgemental, if not all then some, toward  Introverts ? Before you dig into the article, you must know what the term means. Often we meet people, who are more timid and reticent than others. Introverts are considered to be thoughful about people, situations, and life. They make final decision after they have calculated every possible outcome. That might be an exaggeration! But, the truth is if you're an Introvert and a student, your classmates may judge you for being cocky and self-centered. Trust me! it has happened with me. I was quite a centre of attention, and I'm not bragging. It often happened while the class were laughing about someone saying something stupid, i was reading a book or well, writing a song (I'm a singer). They'd all end up looking at me, and the most accurate word i can use for the expression they'd send me off is '' She's got an attitude " .  Now, from a psychologist point - of - view, "Attit...