*trigger warning*
But does it end here? How do we know if someone around us is depressed? Do we ask? Do we observe? What leads to depression?
It's not only just chemical imbalances in brain, but many other factors play a huge role. Stress, life events, gentics and medications are few of the factors listed. A person never readies himself/herself to go through a dark phase in life, but somehow most of us have ended there. 300 million people suffering from Depression is no joke, yet no one comes out and talks about it openly! What makes them afraid?
Let's start with the symptoms first.
There are different types of depression within people. Few are listed and defined below:
A) MAJOR DEPRESSION - like the title says, a person must be in depression, major depression at that, without having any manic, hypomanic or mixed episodes inbetween.
B) SEASONAL DEPRESSION - if a person keeps going through depression, but, at around same time for two years in a row (for example, fall) and get a full remission at the same time (during winters), then the person is definitely going through Seasonal depression.
C) DYSTHYMIA - persistent depressive disorder in which a person is constantly in depressed mood for at least two years.
D) BIPOLAR DEPRESSION - Again, a mood disorder with highs and lows. A person keeps on going through a phase of either total ecstasy or full blown melancholy.
E) ATYPICAL DEPRESSION - the most unidentified type of depression, where the person may be depressed, but he will react with same amount of enthusiasm to something happy.
Now, it may be confusing for peope to differentiate between Bipolar and Atypical depression, but from my experience through Atypical has been that the person with this depression usally get hypersomnia and gain weight (which may not happen to some, because then its other form of depression) while Bipolar is not exactly spontaneous.
Now, that we know the types, how do you identify someone going through depression? Or perhaps you. Here are some symptoms.
- Withdrawal : What is withdrawing? Isn't it leaving? Yes. It is and that is what goes through the head of a depressed person. Feeling low on self-esteem and not having anymore energy to make new friends is withdrawal. It's not that they don't desire, because a friend can definitely help them out, instead it's the ability that they've lost. When we all are at our best, don't we just love to make friends or converse with them? But, it's a 360° turn during depression. The chemicals in their head makes it impossible to even initiate a simple conversation. 'why will they even talk to a failure like me?' 'no one likes me' ' they all hate me' these thoughts seem prevalant to them and no one even notices.
- Emotional Outbursts : nobody likes to be at the receiving end of anger. But it's important to understand that your friend or family member may not be stable enough to handle their emotions really well. They are already stressed with many negative emotions and in this condition, its hard to keep up with every thought. So, there is no way you should take their outbursts personal and get offended. Try to emphasize if possible.
- Laziness? : coming out their room is challenging enough, that following and performing activities become a huge task for them. In clear words, Depression screws over their brain, there's no drop of optimism left in their jar. When others find depressive people lazy (unknowingly), the truth behind is completely different. Please don't label them Lazy, it's an illness.
- Low appetite : no surprise, this is very heard of. "There's no motivation to eat" but more than that, the reason may be ill wish to extinct.
- Decreased interest : Nothing they used to love is appealing and astonishing now. "I Don't know what to do without music" to "i can't even sing now. My voice is gone."
While depression may tear you off, a friend in need can always push you towards the surface. My theory doesn't revolve around going out and socializing or call your dearest old best friend and ask to help. No! If you're uncomfortable right now, stay like that. But, in between when someone texts, reply. It doesn't hurt to share a bit. What hurts is no help.
When people around you are unaware, but if even one person has caught onto your situation, don't shy away. Seek help! Asking for help is not a crime and it's not how others romanticize as a low act. You're brave to talk about it. It may take days, weeks or even months and you never know when's the end, so reach out.
A friendship can help break thinking patterns, and improve brain functions. Deep conversations, getting back on daily activities and re-enjoying hobbies. Infact, it may be beneficial to both. Friendship with a depressed person is not hard. It's as simple as talking to your best-friend where you talk whole heartedly and about meaningful stuff.
Sharing and caring by a friend can increase the chances of improving by 63%. So, why not take a step out of the zone, and help yourself and others!
If you or anyone around you needs to reach out, here are some websites where you can share and get help. You're brave and asking for help is the first step.
**There were no intentions involved to offend anyone from this blog.**
Most of the stuff written are from my own personal experience. I hope this blog helps you finding a solution or even a tiny bit of courage to talk about yourself and help others going through same.
Hope you all are happy, safe & sound at home! Reach out to your close trustworthy friends for help or you can always talk to me, I'm always here to listen.
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