You might know that being Multilingual has its own perks. You can always have the opportunity of moving your positions within an organization. This is an advantage to your career as well as for the industry you'll work in. Being multilingual becomes handy in multiple ways!
Use of more than one or two languages by an individual speaker is called Multilingualism. That's the basic definition.
We've all had that one extra course in our school or College, that sucked our brains out. Unfamiliar, Different Culture, hard to pronounce and even hard to remember and then there were those teachers who wouldn't leave any chance of bashing us in front of whole class. One thing surfaces in your head "Geez! It's not my first language, get over it!"
What you may find monotonous in your School days, may be very helpful in the future. Now, let me continue with the advantage being Multilinguistic brings to you.
- Helps in memorizing and processing
information easily.
- Having independent thoughts : This is my favorite topic to discuss about! While there are people who are always discouraged by/to try and support something that contradicts their values and culture, which is pretty common now-a-days considering the amount of hate we see and feel around; there are also quite some preachers who don't let the hate bring their independence down. They strive to shine and show the world their passion about creating change. What makes them different? Awareness. When they get involved in things outside the cultural boundaries, it's always an eye opener. Getting introduced to new Culture and language helps in forming thoughts without any limits. Learning new language helps in your cognitive development. A bilingual/multilingual develops a mental disability (if any) 4 years later than monolinguals .
- Makes you a multi-tasker
- Travel opportunities (and you wouldn't want to miss that!)
- Opportunities in your career
- Appreciation for the world : the opening up to new thoughts and ideas will help you develop as more of a person and will not restrain you to express more independently. Love the color you are and support others for their shades!
- Culture Appreciation : you would not only love your culture but others too! (Like i have for South Korea)
You can always start with Japanese like me. It's a beautiful language and a beautiful country!
Follow my ig handle : @decode__myths
Or mail me on anushka.01chauhan@gmail.com
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