Doesn't it all start with Vibes? And somehow, it leads from disliking to hate?
Let's start this with a question : "Do you hate someone because of What they do? Or because of who they are?". It's really important, to know if you've been thinking in the right direction or not.
If your answer is latter, then that's pretty messed up.
HATE, is an emotion of aversion towards other person or group, that is also paired up with enmity and malice, all because of our brain and hormones. When you meet a friend of your bestfriend, a person with a great personality, but she's closer to your bestfriend than you are! Isn't that a reason enough for you start envying that person? So, now whenever you meet your bestfriend, you try to avoid talking about that girl. Clearly, it's not hate, but enviousy - A perplexing emotion. Because not only enviousy is sometimes a good sign, but when left unadressed, they take route to hate. Envious people take out their self-loath on others.
Stronger than love, Hate affects your brain in more than one possible way.
Negative disposition towards a person or a group for who they are rather than what they do is what we call Hate. We've all read these books or watch movies with the cute, but nerd, protagonist girl. Now, there's nothing wrong with being nerd but often she's bullied for wearing braces and specs, Dragged for her tomboyish clothes by a bunch of jocks. So, the label she've created in her head for those kids are "worse kind of people". Unless, she meets the bad boy of the group, who treats her very differently and is basically a saviour. Then, what happens? Her perspective changes! "maybe not everyone who's popular is bad". Cute.
Hate, is a very destructive emotion yet unacknowledged. Why? A Study elucidates, people during research revealed that they've never experienced or felt hatred. However, during certain situations and after watching news, they feel extreme anger and loathe that makes them want to bombard the whole thing. If that isn't love.
Human defense mechanism plays a huge role into hating someone or something. Reasons like lack of self - compassion, low self esteem, culture, Threat by others or ourselves are few of the defense mechanisms.
I previously mentioned that our brain releases certain hormones during the experiential state of emotions. Like serotonin is released when we're happy. Dopamine during moments of attention, vigilance, etc. Therefore, hate too has a hormone. Oxytocin, a beautiful hormone that is classified as 'hormone of love and bond' unfortunately has a bad side to it. Oxytocin eventually leads us to create two groups : in-group and out-group.
For example, you love a dog, and you adopted one. Other dog lovers are your in-group and who doesn't are your out-group.
This bitter truth is hard to believe but truth afterall. There are more studies going on to discover the truth, but at least we know why Oxytocin is not only a happy hormone and a mastermind behind hate.
Enjoy the late update! This topic was hard for me to search and write about. But hope it clears the myth even if a little bit.
Send me the topic you want me to talk about next time on anushka.01chauhan@gmail.com
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