
Showing posts from August, 2020


There are a lot of things a Children might not be able to express and there can be a lot of reasons why. Lack of vocabulary, lack of self-confidence, strict parents are few of them.  Play therapy , is an intervention first performed by Freud in 1909 when he met a kid who displayed phobic symptoms. He initiated therapeutic play methods to help the kid cope with his fear. From 1960 onwards, Filial Therapy (discovered by Bernard and Guerney) became known as Play Therapy. It became a method of responding and meeting children's mental health needs.  Play Therapy begins with the kid exploring all sorts of toys and games available in the play room that are age appropriate. When a child struggles or goes through a situation, his selection of toys entirely depends on his emotional state. Then, it’s entirely therapist’s observation to interpret how the child plays. Sometimes, it becomes uncomfortable to perform something and that at the end of every session is discus...


* Trigger warning* W hen was the first time you smoked ?  Was it with your best-friend or was it because your best friend insisted you? Either way, did you like it and, now you've been smoking ever since?  If yes, then this question was enough to make you realize that you are not in a good company. So, let me ask you now. What do you think is a good company?  The capacity of having an effect on someone or something whether it is behavior, development or character is known as Influence . A good influence is when you or the other person is able to point out your virtues and able to turn your weaknesses into your strengths.  Just because you've been best friends with someone for a long time doesn't make him a good company! For instance, my own Best-friend was the first person to make me smoke a cigarette . He was a drug addict but after checking out from therapy, he changed. I'm not saying he became a saint, but his influence on me was so strong that hi...


Y ou might know that being Multilingual has its own perks. You can always have the opportunity of moving your positions within an organization . This is an advantage to your career as well as for the industry you'll work in.  Being multilingual becomes handy in multiple ways! Use of more than one or two languages by an individual speaker is called Multilingualism.  That's the basic definition.  We've all had that one extra course in our school or College, that sucked our brains out. Unfamiliar, Different Culture, hard to pronounce and even hard to remember and then there were those teachers who wouldn't leave any chance of bashing us in front of whole class. One thing surfaces in your head " Geez! It's   not my first language, get over it!" What you may find monotonous in your School days, may be very helpful in the future. Now, let me continue with the advantage being Multilinguistic brings to you.  -  Helps in memorizing and processing  ...


W hat do you understand by Replacing ?  Yes, it is exchanging a thing with another one. Like we all do with the shopkeepers (or at least some of us) . Don't we all buy something that was screaming at us, as soon as we step in front of it, to take it home; but later on we regret it?  Waste of my money!   So, we go back to the same shop and exchange it to something else or the  same product with other features. This is called Replacement . What i talked about in the above paragraph was very similar to what doctors do to certain assigned cases. Placebo Effect,   is a phenomenon in which the placebo drug/ medicine   although inactive medically, tends to work just as functionally in patient's head. Confused?  Let me give you an example to make it easy.   Story about a child diagnosed with Leukemia  Stage 3 , was referred to the best Children Cancer Hospital. The kid was only 10 years old, too young to ...


D oesn't it all start with Vibes? And somehow, it leads from disliking to hate ?  Let's start this with a question : "Do you hate someone because of What they do? Or because of who they are?". It's really important, to know if you've been thinking in the right direction or not.  If your answer is latter, then that's pretty messed up.  HATE , is an emotion of aversion  towards other person or group, that is also paired up with enmity and malice, all because of our brain and hormones. When you meet a   friend of your bestfriend, a person with a great personality, but she's closer to your bestfriend than you are! Isn't that a reason enough for you start envying that person? So, now whenever you meet your bestfriend, you try to avoid talking about that girl. Clearly, it's not hate, but enviousy - A perplexing emotion. Because not only enviousy is sometimes a good sign, but when left unadressed, they take route to hate. Envious people ...


* trigger warning * What is Depression? Supposedly staying alone in a dark room. That's what comes to our head when we think of a depressed person, and maybe it's true, maybe it's not. After hearing it on Television, movies and from our friends, we all at least know the basic definition of Depression. A condition or a mood disorder,  that is associated with a person's persistent feeling of sadness .  But does it end here? How do we know if someone around us is depressed? Do we ask? Do we observe? What leads to depression?  It's not only just chemical imbalances in brain, but many other factors play a huge role. Stress, life events, gentics and medications are few of the factors listed. A person never readies himself/herself to go through a dark phase in life, but somehow most of us have ended there. 300 million people suffering from Depression is no joke, yet no one comes out and talks about it openly! What makes them afraid?  Let's st...